Daily Quotes
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Daily Lyrics
Lyrical Excerpt taken from "In the Middle" written, composed, and performed by Jimmy Eats World.
Hey, don't write yourself off yet
It's only in your head you feel left out
or looked down on
Just try your best,
try everything you can
And don't you worry what they tell themselves
when you're away
It just takes some time
Little girl you're in the middle of the ride
Everything, everything will be just fine
Everything, everything will be alright, alright
Hey, you know they're all the same
You know you're doing better on your own,
so don't buy in
Live right now, yeah, just be yourself
It doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else
It just takes some time
Little girl you're in the middle of the ride
Everything, everything will be just fine
Everything, everything will be alright
weak, pathetic, and disgusting... that's me.
okay. so i deserve to die. i realized, just now, that i frequently choose to eat fatty fucking obese people foods when i'm starving. i have no sense of self-control or discipline. i always fucking fail my fasts and then make excuses for myself.i went to this fair and ate half a small order of cheesy fries (CHEESE FUCKING CHEESE), 3/4 a large order of fried broccoli (FRIED FUCKING FRIED), and half a soft salted pretzel. all carbs. all fry butter crap! WTF! i had originally planned on just getting a roasted corn cob (no butter). but NO! i needed cheese and buttery carb fry crap! i just want to scream.and i didn't purge cuz the bathrooms there are REVOLTING! and i was with my daughter and H. so no dice. ARG! i feel like a FAT HEIFER! HEIFER!I'M A HEIFER!so. tomorrow. serious. as. NAZI FAST! i'm talking no excuses. NO JUSTIFICATIONS! no giving in. i don't care what happens. WATER AND VITAMIN WATER ZERO ONLY. maybe a sugar free red bull. and LOTS OF GREEN TEA! BAH!soon i'll be heading down south to stay with family for spring break and EASTER. which means LOTS OF EATING. and i cannot fake this shit. cuz this particular part of my family are serious eaters/ feeders. they would hound me until i told them all the truth. i have a very difficult time hiding my issues from these peeps. its not like being around my mom or siblings. this is way different. and very hard for me to explain. i will attempt to be extremely careful, but i know i'm gonna come back after the 4th gaining. so i'm probably going to restrict like crazy until WEDNESDAY (cuz thats when we're leaving). i might even attempt to CRACK DOWN and fast until WEDS with broths and protein drinks (sparingly) and vitamin water and green tea. i'll decide tomorrow after i see how successful i am.
EDIT: i think my period is coming. i'm bloated, irritable, and fucking STARVING. more so than usual. i always get unbelievably ravenous before my cycle comes. it's horrible. and i seriously put on 3 to 5 lbs during my periods. and then out of nowhere, it tends to disappear. some times being a female sucks donkey balls.
- Gaining: the truth about life after eating disorders by Aimee Liu
- Hunger Point by Jillian Medoff
- Inside Out: Portrait of an Eating Disorder by Nadia Shivack
- Looks by Madeleine George
- Perfect by Natasha Friend
- Purge by Sarah Darer Littman
- Skin by Adrienne Maria Vrettos
- Solitaire by Aimee Liu
- Stick Figure: A Diary of My Former Self by Lori Gottlieb
- Zero by Diane Tullson
- A Secret Between Friends
- Dying to be Perfect
- Dying to be Thin
- For The Love of Nancy
- Hunger Point
- Kate's Secret
- Killing Us Softly
- Perfect Body
- Perfect Illusions
- Sharing the Secret
- Slender Existence
- Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story
- The Best Little Girl in the World
- The Famine Within
- Thin
- When Friendship Kills
I keep waiting for you to say something I can't relate to, but it has yet to happen. I too completely lose control with disgusting fatty obesity-causing foods. Pizza, burgers, ice cream, fried chicken, and yes--the dreaded cheese fries. Every time it happens I beat myself to death and go over every instance of how I could have done better. And trust me, there are PLENTY of them. I know the whole "tomorrow is another day" mentality doesn't actually make anyone feel better after they fail, but it IS true. Every day is another chance for success, a chance to make up for whatever weakness we experienced the day before. I agree with your choice to fast tomorrow, and however long after that you feel prudent. Because I know I'd try to do the same thing. Shit I AM doing the same thing! So hang in there, beautiful. I know you can do it.
Thanks for your comments earlier, too. I'm definitely going to take your advice and weigh naked tomorrow. As for self-control, I'm amazing myself more than anyone. I'm milking this for all it's worth because I know it's only a matter of time before I slip with some delicious morsel and crash back down to where I was. I hope my recent strength inspires you, as you've inspired me before :)
Oh hun, I'm so sorry you are having a bad day! I completely know exactly what you mean... its like, if I'm gonna eat, I should at least eat something good and healthy for my body. But no. I just eat crap. And more crap.
As for your family, I went to Colorado in January and thought the same thing, but I was able to do tiny portion sizes and somehow managed to drop 5 lbs immediately after coming home. Try to be strong and eat small portions, and when you get home, immediately fast/ restrict and you will probably have a jumpstarted metabolism.
Good luck dear. Hope you have a better day soon.
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